
Founded in 2012, The Zimbabwean Gardener is dedicated to expanding and supporting the work of professional and aspiring gardeners. As a magazine that incorporates the voices and expertise from around the globe, we rely on receiving content and stories from all parts of the world.

In the pages of our magazine, writers share experiences, expertise, entertainment, advice, successes, and suggestions.

Please read through the information below and fill out the form below with a brief or copy of your submission for our consideration. We are happy to work with new writers to get an idea onto paper.

Your topic preferably should fit into one of the following categories as well as fit within the ethos of being a sustainable and conscious lifestyle magazine. With gardening at its core.

GardeningFrom propagation, edible gardens, plants of interest, gardening techniques, garden sustainability, solar, water wise, compost, indigenous trees, birds, environmental conservation to DIY and innovative ways of doing things.
CommunityCommunity projects, exciting initiatives that can inspire readers and get people involved in their community.
KidsCraft, stories or relevant material that kids would enjoy doing or reading
WellbeingLifestyle, pets, mental and physical health, eating well, DIY and home care.
AdvertorialUsing products to educate readers about common pain points or relevant issues.

 The most important thing is to please keep to the deadline, if we do not get your article in time, we may not be able to include it.

Please do get in touch with us if you would like to discuss your article with us in more detail or require more information.

Blog posts are more flexible, we will have regular spots available. If you have a specific time for your blog to be published, please let us know 2 weeks prior in order for us to schedule accordingly. We need time to proof it and ensure that it fits with our ethos.

If you recommend any products, please ensure that you mention a variety of brands and options. An advertorial is not direct advertising. Please try to give details of where to purchase any products mentioned in your articles.

  • Keep content relevant (specially to relate to the Zimbabwean market), accurate, comprehensive (short sentences) and answer questions that people who come to our page are likely to need help with. Help them solve a problem, answer a question, make them laugh, cry or all of the above.
  • Be a real person, people prefer content that is relatable. Use a writing style that speaks to the people you are writing it for.
  • When writing something that has been covered extensively, try find a way to put a unique spin on it. Write content that adds to the conversation and is not just repeating old news.
  • Try to write giving solutions. Readers would like to learn something or implement your ideas immediately. You do not have to have all the answers just enough to keep the journey going.
  • Get a friend to proofread it before sending it through.


Tips for magazine submissions:

  • Please use as many headings as possible for readability
  • Keep writing style in layman’s terms
  • Please only use products that are available to Zimbabweans
  • Keep it as objective as possible
  • Avoid using brand names where possible
  • You will have the opportunity to advertise your product or brand at the end of the article so please avoid advertising products in the article
  • We would like your voice rather than a voice form the internet – please do not plagiarise
  • If you are unsure of your writing style, do not worry your article will be proofread and edited

Tips on Images for your Article

  • Our preference is to use your images so if you have images to send, please send as high resolution 300dpi and as a jpeg file.
  • Please let me know before submitting your article if you need assistance with images or photoshoot as the more notice we have the more we can assist
  • Please make sure if you have direct images of people, that they have given you permission to use the photo
  • We appreciate your photos but if they are not up to print standard we will not be able to use them.

Copyright and Plagiarism

Please do not copy information off the internet or other articles as plagiarism is not accepted.
Zimbabwean Gardener will not take any responsibility for any omission, errors or plagiarism and retrains the rights to the article once published. Please do not reproduce the article elsewhere without informing us first.
All photos need to be originals and not downloaded from the internet.

The editor’s always reserve the right on what goes to print.

Style Guide


Color Pallette



Cozy Lumox

Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow

Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue lorem upsum dolor site amet

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky

Eric Batista
UX Designer @finchStudio

Hero Title

How quickly daft jumping zebras vex

Hero Title


Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


The quick onyx goblin jumps over the lazy dwarf


Cozy lummox gives smart squid who asks for job pen


How razorback-jumping frogs can level six piqued gymnasts


We promptly judged antique ivory buckles for the next prize




A sustainable & conscious lifestyle magazine!